Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Its amazing what you can do with a pine cone!! Of course Im thinking we really wouldnt be able to find a pine cone around and sure enough my husband did, so grab your pine cone some peanut butter and some seeds and get crafty!!!

Here is the bird feeder making team!

mmmmm, licking the peanut butter off her fingers-


we went outside to try and figure out this bubble wistle that was in Zoes easter basket, it was a little difficult!

Cant wait for this nice weather to stick around!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I had 11 people or so at my house and about 148 pictures, I did my best to pick out my favorites!!
One honorable mention- My awesome center piece- cutest thing ever!! Some jelly beans some peeps and some tulips, this will surely be a new Easter tradition! Happy Birthday to my step dad!!

Egg decorating!

Hannah enjoying her own hard boiled egg

yeah- enough hair for a pony tail!!

a decorate your own bird house came from the Easter bunny!

a family photo- I dont think Zoe was purposely strangling Hannnah!

All the grams enjoying mamosas!

ready for the egg hunt!

her eggs

time for brunch!

Hannah, Zach, Zoe, Sarah, Jon, Terri, Gram Ro, Ed, Jeanne, Dee, Phil, Justin and ME

Well I think I got all my favs. in there! Hope your Easter was as eventful as mine!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


what is awesome- you ask?


Today I cleaned the entire house, we are expecting 12 for Easter so things need to be in tip top shape!! We are picking up my new tv stand tonight so that shall finish the living room!!

I made cookies!!

I did laundry!!

And I went for a great, and pretty long walk in the beautiful weather!! ( it was def. a walk that pushed me.....I was sweating so bad- and I dont usually sweat!!)

GO ME- Im awesome!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Here is my first recipe blog ever!!!

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1/2 cup chopped red bell peppers
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 cups of cooked chicken
2/3 cup prepared sweet-sour sauce
1/2 cup chopped almonds
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
( 6 or 7 inch) tortillas
1. Preheat oven to 400. Heat oil in small skillet over medium heat until hot. Add bell peppers and onions (I also added zuchinni). Cook 3 minutes or until crisp-tender.
2. Combine vegetable mix, chicken, sweet-sour sauce, almonds and soy sauce in medium bowl; mix well.
3. Cut each tortilla in half. Place each half in muffin cup. Fill with mixture. ( I only had the big tortillas so I got a little creative)
4. Bake 8-10 minutes or until tortilla edges are crisp and filling is hot, remove and let stand for about 5 minutes.
We did a little minute rice and it was great, you have to like sweet and sour though!! I thought maybe a teriyaki substitution would be good too!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

my heart

Do you ever wonder why you are the way you are?
Are you sarcastic, funny, a happy person, out spoken, judgemental? Or do you wear your heart on your sleeve- like me?

Im all of these things, depending on the situation...but my biggest flaw is taking everything to heart EVERYTHING-
Im just like my mom in that way and I hate it......I really really hate it.

I went to Wenatchee for a day and by the time I left I couldnt take it anymore!
Everything affects me- or so I think. Im not one to take things with " a grain of salt" I take it all and I take it all hard.

If something goes wrong or I feel a funny feeling when Im leaving somewhere I analize it, down to what was said, who said what, and so forth.

Zachs grandma even said " the short time we have been together you have let everything affect you" "just let it flow".


I dont even think that is possible, I am a planner...if plans change I go crazy- I dont just roll with the punches, never have and probably never will- ITS NOT ME.
If you know me you should love me for who I am, how I am, and what I am.
I dont think this is one of my greater qualities, but its me.

I went to Wenatchee on a wim and look where it got me, upset and frustrated.......I dont fly by the seat of my pants, Ive tried but it just makes me a little CRAZY (to say the least).

I hope you all are happy with who you are and what you have become, Ill try to be more easy going, Ill try not to "case" every situation, and Ill try to get over it-
Ill try......

When it rains.....it pores:)

So here I am visiting the great town of wenatchee- great friends good family and two children! A two year old and a 6 week old. Never have I traveled this far ( 2 1/2 hours) by myself with them and the trip there- fantastic!! Well on the way home I was stopped by a road crew blowing up rocks- 20 minute delay- okay, so we wait the twenty minutes. We pass the flagger and of course it has been 2 hours since I fed the newborn so its time to eat she screams- we make it to the rest stop and POW its closed, so we pull over! Then in the middle of feeding my two year old yells POTTY MOMMY, POTTY MOMMY- great- I say. So I give her the option to go outside- NO WAY so I say " lets put on your sisters diaper and just this one time you can go in a diaper" NO WAY aaaaaaaaaaaa- what do I do...well, there is a fruit stand up the road! So we hop in the car, get to the fruit stand and I plead my case- YES they say, you can use the toilet!!!
okay, I think we are good to go...but of course we get behind three truckers!!!
So long story short our 2 1/2 hour trip ends up taking us almost four and we make it home to a loving husband and father and a batch of peanut butter cookies from the neighbor!
I guess there is always a rainbow at the end of a rainstorm- HUH?