Let me just start off with these couple of pictures. Miss Hannah decided chalk was not for writing but for eating, I can teach my kids how to draw and color till Im blue in the face, but for some reason with this one things always are better in the mouth!
Zach suprised us on Thursday by coming up to Wenatchee, we took the girls to the river and enjoyed a little wind!
Okay, here are some shots of Hannahs bday. The big 1. We had lots of family and friends come and the weather was much nicer and more pleasent than i had thought. Zoes 1 year bday was like 1,000 degrees, this time it was enjoyable!
The famous watermelon, by Grandma Jeanne
Alec and Zoe, I had a lot of great shots of these two, but if I put too many on I may jinx the pre-arranged marriage Ive got going on!!
Aunt Sarah and Zoe
The aftermath
Measuring. She is already taller and weighs more than Zoe did at 1 1/2
Okay, so here is a short version of the chain of events of the past two weeks. The girls and I headed to Wenatchee, the week of my birthday. We met up with a gal who took some family photos of us. We went swimming at Beths moms and enjoyed some girltime. Mary also did a great princess photo shoot down at the river with tons of little girls, lots of sugar and some little perosauls (sp). Anyway, the next week after Hannahs bday party we headed back up to Wenatchee so I could work at my friends coffee shop- THANKS JENNI!! I forgot how much I miss it all, the smell, the people, the "having to be somewhere at a certain time" etc. It was fab and I cant wait to do it again, I dont know if she will let me considering out of my three shifts I had to leave early on my closing duty due to the stomach flu. OH YES, Hannah had it Tuesday
so after dealing with that Zoe and I got it Thursday night, WOW not fun. Im not sure what is worse, throwing up, your little girl throwing up or holding her and having to put her down so you can mee the porcaline gods again?
Anyway, long week but so glad to be home. The girls had lots of one on one time with grandmas, aunts, uncles, zachs cousins and so much more. We are preparing to head to the ocean this week with my family and cant wait to get there, we leave Wed. and are totally ready!
Hope you enjoy the pics
1 comment:
GREAT pictures! :) Have fun at the ocean!!!!!
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